THE 50-30-20 RULE

Posted on January 10th, 2022 in Budgeting, E-Newletters, Education Planning, Estate Planning, Financial Prosperity Series, Insurance, Investing, Lending, Life Events, Retirement, Tax

“At this point last January, I was determined to change my relationship with money forever,” says Daniel. This is a New Year’s resolution he shared with 69% of Canadians last year1. However, unlike most others, Daniel has been able to stick with his promise to get control of his financial life. “I’d say 100% of my success comes down to working with a financial advisor who offered me a powerful way to get started and keep going.”

Daniel was wise to begin his journey under the expert guidance of a financial advisor who took the time to understand his long and short-term goals. “Without that guidance,” says Daniel, “I would have given up in the first 90 days. Instead, I’m living within my means for the first time.”