What We Do
At Martin Christopher Investments (MCI), we believe that financial success involves more than financial products or rates of return. It’s about doing the right things at the right time and in the right way in all areas connected to your financial life. This means no stone is left unturned, risks are covered, opportunities are maximized, and your money is focused on what’s important.
The services we provide are collaborative and integrated. That means we work together with other professionals and apply their collective advice to your personal situation, taking each component into account. This involves significant coordination, which saves you time, eliminates confusion, and provides you with a carefully tailored, comprehensive financial solution.

Fact-Finding & Goal Setting
When you work with us, we will get to know you and your full financial picture. We want to understand what matters most to you, what you’re trying to accomplish, what concerns you most and, of course, what’s top of mind for you. We’ve noticed that even if there’s an important financial issue at play, sometimes we just need to identify the most pressing one before we can move on to the bigger picture. We offer:
- Deep client discovery
- Priority analysis and action planning
- Regular status reports
- Consistent communication
- Proactive problem resolutions

Investment Services
When it comes time to choose the right investment products to achieve your goals, our independence ensures we have access to top-tier professional money managers and products without restriction or bias. We are accredited and licensed financial advisors with infrastructure and regulatory registration through Investia Financial Services Inc, a member firm of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA). We offer:
- Portfolio / pension analysis
- Investment product analysis and implementation: managed accounts, private debt, high net worth pools, mutual funds, segregated funds
- Investment plan types: non-registered, RRSP, spousal RRSP, RRIF, LIF, LRIF, TFSA, RESP, RDSP, trusts, corporate accounts
- Asset allocation modelling
- Retirement and education savings
- Rebalancing
- Regular reviews

Cash, Credit and Debt Analysis
All good planning starts from awareness. While we don’t require you to set up a budget—or even to stick to one – we do want to understand your income and spending, now and in the future. Through our strategic partner relationships, we also have access to professional mortgage and lending solutions. You are not alone in this process: We are here to help you assess and navigate your options to ensure they align with your priorities and complement the goals we have established. We offer:
- Mortgage and debt analysis
- Cash flow analysis
- Cash flow projection
- RRSP/leverage financing
- Regular reviews

Retirement Planning
We cannot predict the future, but through financial simulations we can give you a solid understanding of where you stand now, where you need to be in the future and what you need to do to get there. These simulations are a living document that we create and review with you on a regular basis and are reviewed and adjusted over the course of time as life happens. In this way, we can ensure that you are always on top of where you stand and where you are headed. We offer:
- Retirement income analysis
- Assessment of objectives
- Retirement expense analysis
- Retirement cash flow projections
- Government pension benefits review and claw back pre-assessment
- Personal and Individual Pension Plan (PPP and IPP) assessment
- Regular reviews

Tax Planning
When you pay less tax, you get to put more of your own money to work for you. We share with you in real-life terms how taxation really works, clearing up common misunderstandings or misconceptions. The goal is to maximize your after-tax returns and to mitigate your current, future and estate tax liabilities. We offer:
- Tax analysis
- Tax return coordination
- Personal tax planning
- Business tax planning
- Regular reviews

Risk Management
Life is full of the unexpected. We can ensure you are prepared. We help you look ahead and assess possible risks associated with things like losing a job, getting sick, extended stays in healthcare facilities, or even death. We then help you obtain the protection you need. You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can make sure appropriate safeguards are in place to provide you peace of mind. We offer:
- Life insurance / term and permanent
- Living benefits—critical illness and disability
- Long-term care insurance
- Employee group benefits
- Regular reviews

Estate Planning
When clients pass away, the taxes and fees required to settle their estate can be complicated and expensive. We take the time to review your legal documents with you on a regular basis to ensure they still reflect your wishes and meet your needs. Part of this process includes an estate analysis, which allows us to ensure you have contingencies in place to handle probate taxes, income continuation for loved ones or leaving a legacy through charitable giving. We will work with your legal representative and accountant to ensure that your wealth ends up where you want it to go with a minimum of conflict, effort and taxes to pay. We offer:
- Estate planning analysis
- Wills and POA coordination
- Charitable giving
- Business succession planning
- Regular reviews

Life Transition Planning
An unexpected injury, illness or job loss can have a significant impact on lifestyle and finances not only for you but for your loved ones. With the right preparation and protection, you can focus on getting back on track, adjusting to a new normal or supporting those around you who need it without the worry of how to make ends meet. We offer:
- Eldercare issues
- Workplace transitions
- Healthy living
- Referral to other professionals
- Regular reviews

Services to Build and Protect Your Money
We know the financial marketplace, plans, product solutions, government benefits, tax rules, pension regulations, estate guidelines and more. It’s our job to learn and fully understand our clients’ full financial picture; help them define their goals and targets; lay out their strengths, shortfalls and opportunities; and then help them make the best decisions at the right time and for the right amount. Learn more about how we’ll work with you.