Posted on November 8th, 2021 in Budgeting, E-Newletters, Education Planning, Estate Planning, Financial Prosperity Series, Insurance, Investing, Lending, Life Events, Retirement, Tax

According to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada1, good health is determined by mental, physical, and financial wellness. In other words: mind, body, and money. Physical and mental health makes sense, but what is financial wellness?

Financial wellness doesn’t necessarily mean you have millions of dollars invested, although you’ve achieved an admirable goal if you do. While it’s not about the balance in your savings account, financial wellness means you’re feeling good about the relationship you have with money, including:

  1. feeling secure about your financial future
  2. being able to meet your financial responsibilities and goals
  3. having a plan to build your savings
  4. having control over your day-to-day finances
  5. feeling confident that you can absorb a setback
  6. having the freedom to enjoy life without worrying about money